The small world can be amazingly interesting. The thing is when you talk about Waterton SMALL things are usually not part of the conversation. HUGE mountains, Bears, Moose, Elk just do not lend themselves to being the small things in our world.
On my last trip to Waterton I was looking for the large things. Those things that I usually shoot when I am down there. But something happened, I grabbed a camera bag when I went for a hike that did not have my big lens in it.
Instead I went for a hike with a wide angle lens with macro and a short telephoto lens. WOW was I happy I did. Sure I missed a shot of some cool looking bird that was flying from tree to tree like he was in a major hurray. BUT I found so much more.
The thing that amazes me is how many people, including myself at times, walk past the COOLEST things.
Everyone that was at Cameron Lake in Waterton the same time I was there were busy taking pictures of the lake. They were looking for bears, they were looking for sheep and goats. BUT nobody saw the things that I saw.
Now I have said it before that part of the reason that I see the things I do see is because of my lung disease. It slows me down and I have to rest more often. But a lot just has to do with opening your eyes when you are there.
A minute before I took these pictures a group of three teens stormed past me on their way to another lake. Not even seeing what was all around them.
So I would like to share with you part of the small world that I was a part of last weekend at Cameron Lake in Waterton Lakes National Park Canada.
Oh and by the way. For the Parks Canada person that checks the images on the trail cameras in Waterton, my apology. As I was walking around Waterton, caught up in my own small world I stumbled on a branch. When I looked up I was face to face with a trail cam. I am sure it is not the scariest picture they have ever seen but it must be close!!
Visit my Waterton Art Gallery if you would like to order a print.